Monday, September 3, 2007

A Memorable Day...

Well today is Monday, our "Free Day" my Tropa and I went out to SM for celebrating my BDAY with them "well as expected nilibre ko sila".Hmmm the first thing is we went to eat at Max's Restaurant hahahaha! because they are already hungry, they didnt eat their breakfast yet so "yhap aun kumain na kami kaagad". Then after we eat we decided to watch a movie, well we decided to watch "Room 1408" which me and Emily didn't agree at first because looking at the Poster of the Movie and Muryelle's spoiler hahahaha!! we know that the movie was really scary but at the end because of the "Tropa's kakulitan" we agreed to it hahaha!!!. Hmmmmm the Movie is really scary because its a story of a Haunted Room hahaha!!! "nakatakip kami lahat ng panyo" while watching the movie hahahaha!!! It is full of suspense so when you watch it expect that you will scream hahahahaha!!!. After the movie we think of what we will do next our the idea popped out Christine,Emily,Muryelle wants to sing on a Videoke whatever...hahahaha!!! so me and Christian agreed and we kill time singing hahahaha!!! LETZ GET LOUD!!!!!...After singing we eat and thats also the time to go home.

IMAO!!! ^^ this is a very memorable day and I really enjoyed it...

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